Thursday, April 7, 2011

SiGns ThaT YouR BaBy Is ReaDy fOR SoLiDs

curiosity about what you’re eating
  • begin eyeing your plate of food
  • reach for a spoonful of food as it travels from the plate to your mouth
  • point to your food and ask for it while drooling away
  • bottle-fed baby may stop midway and point to your food instead

growing appetite
  • seems more hungry than before
  • wake more frequently for feeding at night
  • begin to eat non-stop (cluster feed) as he/she once did as a newborn

tongue reflex
  • losing the extrusion reflex which is “designed” to prevent your baby from swallowing any foreign matter which he/she may be choked upon and in this case, solid food which his/her body is not ready to accept
  • to keep solid food in his/her mouth and then swallow it, your baby needs to stop using his/her tongue to push food out of his mouth

  • able to sit upright when supported
  • also able to keep his/her head in a steady position to swallow well

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