ok, i failed... i failed terribly...
i walked into the room, looking at the empty space where baby girl's cot used to sit. my heart sank...
lights went off, hubby said good night and gave me a peck on the forehead and went to sleep. me on the other hand, continued staring at the space, feeling somewhat sad... the feeling got more and more overwhelming that tears started rolling down my cheek... i missed my baby terribly...
i reached for the tissue and hubby realized that it's devastating me...
he asked, "what happened, dear?"
"baby, tell me..."
sobbing got louder...
"you missed baby huh...?"
"then how...?"
"i don't know..."
"do you want me to bring her back in here...?"
"we could do it again another time..."
"why not? you're missing her so much..."
"we've already gone this far. to bring her back in would be to reverse her progress..."
hubby agreed in silence and held me tight... yet i couldn't stop crying...
"would you wanna sleep in her room tonight? would that make you feel better?"
"ok, let's go."
he got up and led me to baby girl's room. brought in a mattress, pillow and blanket for me...
"would you want me to stay here with you?"
"no, i'll be fine... you're tired, go back to sleep..."
and so he gave me another kiss good night on the forehead and left.
i lied there in the dark, listening to baby girl's breathing, feeling relieved and peace... then before i knew it, i dozed off...
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