common pregnancy symptoms that we usually hear includes :
- morning sickness
- frequent urination
- fatigue
- constipation / diarrhea
- indisgestion / heartburn
- food aversion / craving
- mood swings
- shortness of breath
however, there are also some not as common pregnancy symptoms, such as :
- pica : craving of non-food items like ice, chalk, or even dirt
- stuffy nose : you may start to wonder why your cold / flu is so lengthy and doesn't seem to improve. it is called "rhinitis of pregnancy", and can continue until your baby's birth or even a few weeks afterward
- excessive salivation : experts do not know the actual cause of this in early pregnancy, but hormonal changes may be a culprit. this symptom is also known as "ptyalism" or "sialorrhea". but fret not, because it doesn't affect your baby in any way. in fact, it could help with heartburn because each time you swallow, your saliva bathes the walls of your esophagus and helps neutralize the gastric acid. this may also explain why those who are vomiting tend to salivate more